Chicken and Poultry
In many cases today, chicken and other poultry are no longer what they should be. Under the extreme pressure of intensive farming, their welfare has suffered and the meat has lost its authentic taste. Fortunately, it doesn’t always have to be that way.

Respect for nature
A group of poultry farmers in France have turned animal welfare and respect for nature into an art form. They work in accordance with some very important principles. They select rustic breeds for their natural, slow growth and allow them to roam freely without restriction in the open air.The birds live in small groups in shadow-rich meadows.

The birds are fed a 100% plant-based diet consisting of only the best grains. The poultry farmers guarantee that all their flocks are kept in a way that fully respects their welfare. This guarantee allows them to raise hens and other birds of superior quality and with an unmatched taste experience.
More information about Chicken and Poultry?
Call us on 036 - 535 92 00 or fill out the form.